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The Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanai.
st. Amangeldi, 134 (on map)
On the epidemiological situation of HIV infection in Kostanay Region as of 31.12.2022
        There were 3,386 cumulative cases of HIV infection, including 31 children among the citizens of the republic as of 31.12.2022. There were 1,041 cumulative deaths and 2,345 People Living with HIV (alive) among those identified in Kostanay Region. The prevalence per 100,000 population is 273.4%.
        Cases of HIV infection have been registered in all administrative-territorial units of the region.
        The highest prevalence rates per 100,000 population were noted in the following cities Kostanay – 418.4 (1586 cases), Rudny – 363.9 (679 cases), Lisakovsk – 342 (191 cases), and in the districts: B. Mailina – 247.1 (76 cases), Kostanay – 237.7 (225 cases) and Denisovsky – 215.3 (53 cases).
        The majority of cases of HIV infection occur at the reproductive 15-49 age group and account for 91.3% of all cases (3063 cases), with a prevalence of 0.514% in the 15-49 age group and a retention rate of 0.55%.
        In terms of gender distribution among HIV-positive people: 63.9% (2,162) were men and 36.1% (1,224) were women.
        Cumulatively as of 31.12.2022 by transmission routes: sexual heterosexual – 48.8% (1653), parenteral, when injecting drugs – 47% (1592), unidentified route – 1.7% (57), sexual homosexual – 1.4% (49), vertical – 0.8% (28), parenteral artificial - 0.2% (7).
        Age composition: 0-14 years – 0.8% (31), 15-19 years – 2.2% (74), 20-29 years – 27.7% (937), 30-39 years - 39.6% (1341), 40-49 years - 21% (711), 50-59 years – 6.6% (222), 60 and older – 2.1% (70).
        Distribution of registered cases of HIV infection by social and occupational groups: 46.5% (1,575) are not working, 36.6% (1,238) are working, 10.3% (348) are under investigation, 2.7% (93) are convicted, pensioners - 1.5% (51), students of colleges and universities – 0.9% (31), unorganized children of preschool age – 0.8% (27), unidentified – 0.4% (12), school students - 0.3% (9), children of preschool age – 0.003% (1), unorganized children of school age - 0.003% (1).
        Cumulatively, 442 cases of HIV infection were detected in the penitentiary system, of which 349 (79%) in the pre-trial detention center, 93 (21%) in correctional institutions.
        87 cases of HIV infection were detected among blood donors and its components, including 11.5% (10) with parenteral transmission. There are no cases of transmitting HIV through transfusions.
        There are 2012 people in the HIV care and 51 people were taken during December 2022. The antiretroviral therapy (ART) is received by 1932 people, of whom 19 are children.
        Cumulatively there were 641 pregnancies registered, 364 were newly diagnosed HIV-positive pregnancies, 372 with births and 263 with abortions.

Epidemiological situation of HIV infection in Kostanay Region for 12 months of 2022
        In Kostanay Region, there is a decrease in the registration of cases, so for 12 months of 2022, 272 cases were detected (incidence of 31.7 per 100 thousand population) against 284 cases of HIV infection for the same period of 2021 (incidence of 33.1 per 100 thousand population).
        In Kostanay Region for 12 months of 2022 in comparison with the same period of 2021, there has been a decrease of 12 cases of HIV infection.
        By gender disaggregation: men - 64.7% (176), women – 35.3% (96).
 Age composition: 0-14 years – 0.4% (1), 15-19 years – 0.7% (2), 20-29 years – 11.4% (31), 30-39 years - 30% (82), 40-49 years - 38.2% (104), 50-59 years – 13.2% (36), 60 and older – 5.9% (16). 
Distribution of registered cases of HIV infection by social and occupational groups: 52.6% (143) employed, 35.7% (97) unemployed, 2.2% (6) unidentified, 4% (11) convicted, 3.7% (10) pensioners, 0.7% (2) students of colleges and universities, 0.4% (1) unorganized preschool children.
 By transmission routes among the cases identified in the 12 months of 2022:
heterosexual, sexual – 58.8% (160);
parenteral, through injecting drug use - 36% (98);
unidentified – 3.3% (9);
homosexual – 1.1% (3);
parenteral, artificial non–medical - 0.4% (1);
vertical – 0.4% (1).
During the 12 months of 2022, there were 12 pregnant women registered among People Living with HIV, 33 with pregnancies, childbirth – 25, abortions – 14.
During the 12 months of 2022, 14 cases of HIV infection were detected in the penitentiary system.
During the 12 months of 2022, 5 cases of HIV infection were registered among blood donors and its components.
Screening of the population for HIV infection in Kostanay Region for 12 months of 2022 amounted to 19.6% (167 913 persons), for the same period of 2021 amounted to 18.9% (162 270 persons).
  1. Over the 12 months of 2022, there is a decrease of 12 cases in Kostanay Region compared to the same period of 2021;
  2. The prevalence of HIV infection in the 15-49 age group is maintained at the level of 0.514%, with the retention indicator of 0.55% at the end of 2022;
  3. Over the 12 months of 2022, the leading transmission of infectious disease was sexual, heterosexual - 58.8% (160 cases).
  4. The population screening rate for HIV infection is 19.6% (167 913).
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