The diagnostic laboratory (DL) consists of 4 units:
- Enzyme Immunoassay Office (ELISA)
- Clinical and Biochemistry Tests’ Office
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Office
- Immunology Office
Head of the Diagnostic Laboratory–Koishymanov Temirlan Tolepuly, the laboratory specialist
Phone: 8 (7142) 37-05-97
The laboratory has a Quality Control Manager, 3 doctors, 3 laboratory specialists, 9 laboratory assistants, 2 medical record administrators.

The laboratory staffing level is 83.5%.
The main tasks of the Diagnostic Laboratory are:
- conducting laboratory tests to monitor HIV/AIDS cases in the city;
- organizing and implementing the internal and external quality control systems in practice;
- providing the organizational and methodological guidance to the medical and preventive institutions of the city;
- participating in research conferences;