The Head of the Department of Medical and Preventive Care and Medical Examination
Rudy Svetlana Nikolayevna
Doctor of the highest qualification category
Department of Medical and Preventive Care and Medical Examination conducts as follows:
- Provision of medical and preventive care for patients with HIV/AIDS, including dynamic monitoring, antiretroviral treatment and complex of laboratory diagnostic tests;
- Diagnosis and treatment of STIs in patients and members of key population groups;
- Supervision of patients in penitentiary institutions and conduction of medical examinations;
- Provision of medical and psychological assistance to HIV-infected and their family members;
- Conduction of a set of measures to provide preventive antiviral treatment to HIV-infected pregnant women: during pregnancy, during childbirth and new-borns;
- Provision of consulting assistance to patients on family planning;
- Psychosocial counselling before and after an HIV test;
- Ensuring public access to post-exposure antiretroviral prevention;
- Provision of an advice to patients on legal and social issues;
- Provision of practical and advisory assistance to medical organizations and medical services of departments on diagnosis, treatment, psychosocial counselling, measures for post exposure prophylaxis;
- Interaction with medical institutions in the city and public organizations on issues of therapeutic and preventive care for patients.