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The Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanai.
st. Amangeldi, 134 (on map)
The organizational and methodological department consists of the following employees:


                        Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department –   
                                       Tashetova Nagima Aitzhanovna;



- Mekebayeva Aida Talgatovna;
- Ashukhanova Aidana Dosymkhanovna;
Journalist – Tomilovskaya Lazat Amirovna.

The activities of the organizational and methodological department are aimed at:
1. Implementation of strategic and operational planning of the center's work, management and collaboration with medical organizations of the region, as well as interdepartmental interaction on HIV/AIDS issues;

2. Provision of advisory, practical, organizational and methodological assistance to all medical organizations of the region, regardless of ownership forms;

3. Provision of organizational and methodological assistance to State Organizations, Departmental, Non-Governmental Organizations and Public Organizations in the implementation of preventive measures, as well as training teachers, students, parents, volunteers and young adults on HIV prevention;

4. Provision of the necessary methodological and practical assistance in the activities of Coordination Councils and arrangement of the joint work with health authorities;

5. Conduction of an analysis of the completeness and quality of the selection of the subject community for HIV screening and testing as per the clinical indications at medical (healthcare) facilities;

6. Participation in the development of interdepartmental prevention programs on the problem of HIV infection in cooperation with local executive bodies, the Health Department, various agencies, public associations, etc.;

7. Implementation of programs to counteract the HIV epidemic in cooperation with state, international and public organizations;

8. Conduction of an epidemiological investigations of all detected cases of HIV infection and arrangement of the events in the focus area, identifying exposed persons and monitoring their examination;

9. Provision of the information to the public regarding the transmission of HIV infection and prevention methods through the mass media (television, radio, newspaper and Internet sites among the general public);

Contact number: 8-(7142)-37-05-90.
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